Behavioral Assessments vs Personality Tests

Is DISC a Personality Test? That is probably the #1 question I get asked or the statement that people most often say incorrectly when talking about the DISC assessment. It is NOT a personality test! It doesn’t measure personality and it isn’t a test, so neither is accurate. You can’t pass or fail. DISC is…

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Leading from Your WHY: Power and Methodologies

Leading from your Why? Power and Methodologies Our online self-assessment, called the 12 Driving Forces, measures your Why. Your results will tell you why you do what you do. It measures motivation (and strength) behind your behaviors, using 6 different motivators. Those motivators are….             Knowledge             Utility             Surroundings             Others             Power            …

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Leading from Your WHY: Surroundings and Others

Leading from your Why? Surroundings and Others Our online self-assessment, called the 12 Driving Forces, measures your Why. Your results will tell you why you do what you do. It measures motivation (and strength) behind your behaviors, using 6 different motivators. Those motivators are….             Knowledge             Utility             Surroundings             Others             Power            …

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Leading from Your WHY: Knowledge and Utility

Leading from your Why? Knowledge and Utility Our online self-assessment, called the 12 Driving Forces, measures your Why. Your results will tell you why you do what you do. It measures motivation (and strength) behind your behaviors, using 6 different motivators. Those motivators are….             Knowledge             Utility             Surroundings             Others             Power            …

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Leading from Your WHY

Back in 2009, Simon Sinek started a movement to help people become more inspired at work. He did a Ted Talk on how great leaders inspire action and shared with the world the Golden Circle. This graphic talked about the Why, How, and What with the Why in the center of three concentric circles. He…

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Emotional Intelligence: Motivation

Emotional Intelligence also includes Motivation which is a personal drive to improve and achieve, commitment to our goals, initiative, or readiness to act on opportunities, as well as optimism and resilience. Motivation is what pushes us to achieve our goals, feel more fulfilled and improve overall quality of life. Daniel Goleman, who developed the concept of…

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